• Samson

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    Donation Total: R500.00 One Time

  • Species: White Rhino
  • Gender: Male
  • Rescued: October 2023

Samson was found late one afternoon after a rhino carcass had been spotted and a calf was seen wandering around on its own. The calf was captured and loaded into our trailer and then transported back to our facility where he was stabilised in our ICU. He weighed in at 298kg and was estimated to be about 7 months old. He was in good condition except for a small puncture wound on his back foot which became infected, but cleared up after treatment and a course of antibiotics. Samson was a very calm and sweet rhino right from the start and was introduced to rhino orphan Lula. He was given his name by the winner of a Name a Rhino Orphan Prize Draw who chose the name in honour of his childhood dog who was a gentle giant, very much like Samson.


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