Participants in our 2016 Rhino Ride not only aided the Zululand Conservation Trusts conservation efforts this year but also supported our community by pledging Uzwelo school bags.
Almost 600 little bodies lined up in their grades, pushing and squealing in excitement for their chance to get handed one of these funky & colourful creations. One by one each child was gifted with an Uzwelo bag and a handful of sweets. Slowly, but surely, the assembly area began to grow with colour, the stamping of feet grew louder, and in no time the children started to dance with joy.
Excitement filled the air as Tanya Bailey, from Uzwelo bags started to give a demonstration of the trailer load of colourful school bags she had brought with her from Durban. The Uzwelo bags are made 100% from material waste from gazebos and banners made by Expanda sign, the scrap material is then given to local ladies, who are employed from surrounding areas, to stitch each piece together and create something truly amazing. Each bag is completely unique, with the most exciting part being that not only is this a practical school bag…but it also transforms into a rain poncho to protect both the pupil and their school books!
This happy day of giving was made possible by the cyclists from Rhino Ride 2016 who pledged school bags towards this cause. In total, we managed to get 578 bags pledged, which allowed us to donate bags to the entire Manyoni Primary school, with enough left over to ensure that even the Grade R intake of 2017 will receive. Our next project is to get a further 500 Uzwelo School bags pledged in order to fulfil the Obani Primary school which is another school we work with.
A huge thank-you to Tanya and Don Bailey, as well as Kirsty Fonzari for all the hard work, dedication and passion that has gone into the Uzwelo Bag project. The smiles and excitement from the children of Manyoni speak volumes for what joy you have brought into the Manyoni community.
Watch this great video clip of the day’s events as they unfolded.
If you want to pledge an Uzwelo School Bag for R130 & make a child’s year please contact us;